Quit Smoking Recommendations 2023

Reason to Quit
As of June 2022 there are about 6.9 million adult smokers in the UK or 14.7% percent of the adult population. According to Cancer Research UK smoking is the largest cause of cancer in the UK contributing to 15% of all cases. Tobacco is also the largest preventable cause of cancer in the UK, with lung cancer being the most widespread among all types of preventable cancers.
Cigarette Smoking Prevalance 2011 - 2018
Average pack of 20 cigarettes £11.39 (ONS data May 2021) Price per Cigarette 56.9p or £4160 a year.
30g average cost rolling tobacco (approx. 50 cigarettes) £13.00 Price per Cigarette 26p or £1900 a year.
Making the Switch
Want to hear some good news? We've made it easier than ever for you to quit the cigs for good! Thanks to some innovative 21st century technology quitting smoking for good has never been easier. Although nicotine addiction is the main factor in smoking, switching to vaping is a much healthier alternative due to its absence of toxic chemicals and smoke itself. It is thought by health professionals that vaping is 95% healthier than smoking. Many will argue that vaping is still unhealthy but a 95% improvement is better than 0% right!?
From my own personal experience, quitting smoking before the invention of cigarettes was a nightmare. I once managed in my twenties to quit for 2 weeks but as soon as i was with someone smoking that smell just made me give in to the cravings. Even during them 2 weeks, every morning, every coffee and every meal was a mental battle. That's not even factoring in any stress or any visits down to the pub.
Our Top Tips
- Before you make the switch to vaping make a plan. Planning ahead is vital if you are serious about making the switch.
- Set a date to prepare yourself and stick to it
- Once you've set a date buy your vape supplies
- On your last day of smoking smoke your last cigarette of the day - If you have any left over bin them - This will give you even more determination not to go and buy more.
- If you feel you can't live without the tobacco taste don't worry we've got you covered with some great tasting tobacco flavours.
- If you are missing the throat hit or prefer menthol cigarettes then it is highly likely you will prefer our great tasting menthol flavours.
- Nicotine salts have been invented to kick that nicotine craving instantly and are a good recommendation for new vapers. Nicotine salts work well with Pod Kits.
- Don't worry if you smoke a cigarette - Tomorrow is a new day - start again.
- If you're missing having something in your hand we recommend trying disposable vapes.
- In the long run disposables are more expensive - If you want to save more money we recommend investing in a Vape kit.
- Once you become a full time vaper you will discover there is many great tasting flavours. Fruit flavours are extremely popular, if you have a sweet tooth we've got you covered with some fantastic dessert flavours or sweet flavours and we've even got some hugely popular drink flavours!