Data taken from Public Health England shows that vaping may be contributing to an estimated upwards of 20,000 smokers quitting each year.
However, the same data also tells us that around 40% of those who smoke in the UK have never actually tried vaping – that’s around 2,800,000 people! So, with Public Health England also stating that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking, why aren’t more smokers making the switch?
Well, it mainly comes down to knowledge. This is where Vapril comes in. Vapril is the worlds largest vaping awareness and education campaign and looks to introduce smokers to vaping, encouraging them to take steps to switch and improve their health. The campaign runs predominantly throughout April, but aims to provides useful information for both smokers and vapers all year round.
So, whether you’re someone who has never tried vaping before or you’re a new vaper looking for more information, here at Zombie Vapes we’re answering some of the most common questions asked by those making the switch…
What e-liquid should I start on when making the switch from smoking?
We all know smoking is a habit, so the best way to quit is to wean yourself off it by replicating the experience through vaping as much as possible. When it comes to vape flavours, choose a tobacco or menthol product – this will have a similar flavour to the cigarettes you are used to, and therefore shouldn’t feel too different from the experience of smoking. You should also consider starting out with a higher nicotine e-liquid option, then gradually cut down your nicotine intake through vaping over time.
Once you’ve got more used to the experience of vaping, you can mix it up and have fun exploring the full variety of flavours available.
What is the main difference between smoking and vaping?
If you’re used to smoking, there are some differences you will notice when you make the switch to vaping. One of the key differences is the substance you are inhaling – with smoking, you inhale smoke, while vaping produces a vapour which is inhaled. This may mean, if you are a new user, you could find yourself coughing a little during the adjustment period after switching to vaping, as your body gets used to the newer sensation of inhaling vapour.
The amount you inhale is also much more variable when it comes to vaping. Once you light a cigarette, you will usually smoke the whole cigarette there and then – even if your bodies requirement for nicotine has been fulfilled halfway through. However, with vaping, you can fully regulate how much vapour you inhale at any given time. This gives you much more control over your nicotine intake than with smoking.
Which vaping device should I choose?
As with choosing e-liquid concentrates and flavours, if you’re looking to switch from smoking to vaping, you may find it easier to replicate the smoking experience as much as possible. One of the main things you may notice when switching is the physicality of a vaping device – they tend to be much larger than the standard cigarette! Therefore, a slimmer vape kit may appeal, as it will feel much more familiar in your hand.
Look for a smaller starter vape kit with a cylindrical shape, similar to a cigarette. This will feel natural to use at first and, once you’re used to the experience of vaping, you can then explore the full array of vape kits and mods on offer.
If you’re looking to make the switch from smoking to vaping, look no further than the Zombie Vapes collection. From starter vape kits and accessories through to an extensive range of vape concentrates and e-liquids, you’re sure to discover your new vaping go-to.